Saturday, August 31, 2013

................Eternal Values................


Though we are mere players on the stage set and in control of The Almighty,  yet, its cowardice, mean, sub-human to ward-off  the responsibilities of our thoughts & actions  on to THAT.  We are only deluded from the path of a NON-RETURN REUNION.

Parents or Spouses enjoy  God status, yet are still to err. The children or spouses ought give meaning to the relationships and gracefully, valiantly take the blame for unity with the ONE.  

 Jai! Hind!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Action in Inaction; Inaction in Action


Actions & Inaction in the aforesaid phrases are very important in our lives. I am sharing my thoughts to know
others views and learn more or better in the process.
The Bhagavad Gita and all such texts & Scriptures convey very very deep messages. They were all meticulously designed to cater to every Individual Intellectual Capacity of ALL TIME and not prescribed for specific set of people or class or level of education or intelligence. They were rendered as a part of SANATANA DHARMA, A Way of Life & Living. Every time one reads them a different perception comes to view, depending on the level of one’s knowledge, like a Pandora’s Box. And definitely, no perception is wrong. Action or Inaction are both by themselves, 2 sides of the same coin. Action in Inaction can be - Not being tempted into any particular action. Inaction in Action can be – to be detached from the results of action. This may be one perception. Simple example, A parent’s act of indifference to the child’s adamant demands. Here the child is being psychologically trained to know what should be “the fair requirements” and to learn to not to be adamant. The Interview of a Job or a Business Meeting for an Order, being fair & honest to yourself & the Job / Business instead of pretending in front of the audience without clinging on to the result, ie. A Job Offer or an Order Confirmation from the Client can explain Inaction in Action. We should not be tempted or forced into any action or inaction by whatever means and maintain a detached attitude from the results of the action or inaction, irrespective of whatever is done through out the process of action or inaction. There are innumerable perceptions of the phrases with still more innumerable examples to explain or convey the meaning. These phrases are are pointers & reminders, a wake-up call to us, as in the quagmire of life, handling our desires / emotions / duties, we tend to forget, the only reason we are in the World. We should follow our Svadharma and do our duties, wherever we are, whatever is our situation, with our Intellects in control of our Minds. Intellect and Mind are 2 sides of the same coin and Intellect should not be confused for Intelligence. Intelligence is only to do with gross knowledge or expertise in different subjects of the world. Intellect is something very subtle and is a subject of knowing oneself and to have the senses & mind in its control. This message is conveyed in the famous picture of The Bhagavat Gita, we all know, ie. Lord Krishna driving the Chariot of Arjuna as his Charioteer. Krishna personifies the Atman or Intellect in us; Arjuna, our gross Bodies, the Embodiment and the doer or actor; the horses as the Mind; the reins of the horses as the desires; the Chariot as our Life Cycles; if the desires of the mind are in good control of the Intellect our life can get a smooth sailing to our ORIGIN after duly conducting all our duties in the world, meticulously. This is the essence of the message in the picture. The Actions & Inactions are nothing the expressions of one’s duties in the world. Learning in life is never ending. Even after all that we learn or experience in life, we are a "Zero". That is the power of zero, the summit or culmination of all knowledge.
Pl. post your views, comments to enable refine my learning process.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Radha Nandini shared Home Is Where The Heart Is's photo.
6 hours ago · Hari!Om! In reality, relationships or whatever don't actually die. May be a Virtual Phenomenon to our Conditioned Minds for which, to understand and communicate better, we have used / still use a very relative term as Death or Killed, conveniently. The tragedy is we have forgotten the truth or rather the aforesaid characteristics have made us to forget That. Anything & Everything need have to bee looked from Absolute point of View, its a very very high time, now. The relationships only change forms, just as any gross matter or energy only change form and is not destroyed. Only difference is Relationships are SUBTLE matter. Whether we know it or not, acknowledge it or not, accept or not, each one of us have definitely a relationship with each every other including all living, non-living etc. Being used to the material world and relating everything to material, Our definitions or examples of relationships are restricted only to Family, Friends, Relatives, Colleagues, Boss an such. There is a default possessive attitude which manifest in us all, when executing or maintaining "these so called relationships" and hence such expressions emerge out as listed above. For a little while, if we step out of this small world and introspect the Entirety with Equanimity and  a broader perception, we wouldn't be talking of death or killing feel lighter, thus go higher, make the world a better place to live and save it for the future. Jai !Hind!

Sunday, February 17, 2013



Hi! Everyone! Shortly I am coming out with a few new posts under Professional Service
Section on Heat Exchanger Design; Reactor & Pressure Vessel Division and  under
Spirituality Section on Current Human Values, Sustainable Development, ISR I Individual Social Responsibility)

Those interested may follow me in my blog.

Regards & Best Wishes to All.

Jai! Hind!

Vedam Chandrasekhar