We all know, Human Beings are the only Species of all the life forms, who have the GIFT of the CREATOR, The All Pervading Almighty to choose our Thoughts & Actions. That’s how we have the word “Decision” and a meaning for it. As tributaries we have the bonus Gifts of the ability to think, analyze, rationalize, communicate with one another and so on to justify the God Principle at “Gun Point” for FINAL APPROVAL & RESPONSIBILITY, as, yet after we are not confident due to fear over losing our ATTACHMENTS which are out of nothing but EGO or DESIRES, the “PRIME CAUSE” or the PRIME MOWER of all life forms.
No other life form, at least on The Earth, have the aforesaid extra abilities and yet all the other life forms are very peacefully & meticulously leading their lives, supported by their individual character, the Laws of Nature & all the rest including the Human Fraternity. They also depart gracefully on Summons.
One cannot hear of a Dog hissing or a Cat barking or a Tiger wagging his tail, anxious for some fondling by a Human or other. One cannot even hear or see a Snake roaring like a Lion or an Elephant flying in the air. A big bird as a Eagle wouldn’t ramble in the Bushes and etc.
One cannot even find a Bunyan Tree sprinting around like a Rabbit. None of us can imagine that the Sun would stop giving us Sun Light to go for a Shut Down Maintenance. Its not possible , the Atmosphere has to go for a refueling of its tank and that we all have to wait until he returns for Oxygen supply to enable us to breathe. No one on the Earth would have ever heard of an apple, on its ripening from its tree, to fly out of the Atmosphere.
They all well understand, regard & respect each other, whoever they are, life form or non-life form and only use themselves, others around, the Environment following the Laws of Nature and conducting their duties, from arrival to departure, from the equilibrium of one form to instability of the other or absorption into yet another.
They all have no problems with any one or a thing or the Humans. They rather give the very equal consideration, regard & respect to all as required. However, they cannot and hence do not express or communicate the way we do between ourselves, even if it is an exploitation they have to meet from us. Only because they have no choice of action and follow strictly, the laws of nature.
Its only, we Human Beings who are the “PROBLEM MAKERS” and ironically have the problems within ourselves and everything. We Humans, at the back of our Minds, apparently are “hyperactive” always uneasy, restless and unable to manage with combination of the abilities gifted to us and decipher its jumble, grab or snatch the first opportunity to exploit, every other around, be it a co-Human or the Plant or Animal Community, the Ether or the Earth and exhaust or burn out the Desires out of Egotism.
I just re-collected a song from a popular Hindi Movie of late 1970s or early 1980s, an Amitabh Bachchan starer, which has song pictured on AB & Sashi Kappor and which goes, THUNE ABHI DEKHA NAHI---------- HUM WO HEIN JO DHO AUR DHO PAANCH UN BHANAA DHEN.
Apparently, its only this kind of concept that we Humans often MISUSE and blame it on itself or others around. We have heard of Scientists researching on replicating of the Big Bang Theory with hefty funding from so called “smart countries” of the world. We hear of Oil / Gas / Metals / Mineral reserves Exploitations across the Globe with disastrous damages to land /ocean life & non-life.
In the name of civilization, progress & development, new new discoveries and inventions have been coming-up day in and day out , NEVER ENDING!! For eg. We know of plastics & polythene and its effect on the Environment. We know of the Cutting down of Trees & Forestry for Paper & Pulp Industry to meet endless demands of the Humans. We know of the Chemicals, Petroleum Refineries, Thermal & Diesel Power Plant Industries, The Fertilizers & Cement Plant Industries, Automobile Industries to meet the Human exploiting demands and its effects. We know of the effects of Global Warming, Acid Rains, Glaciers , The Air & Water Pollution.
The extensively growing population WITHOUT ANY CLUE OF THE SUSTAINABILITY LEVELS OF THE pitiable MOTHER EARTH, its ever exponentially increasing demands for CONCRETE JUNGLE, Oil & Power, depleting natural and conventional resources for everything including water, food , inefficiency & incapability to meet their own demands have turned the WHOLE HUMAN SPECIES more as CANNIBALS .
The 3rd millennium has gone Hi-tech & very advanced from the previous, in exploitations, with huge, Electronics & Cellular Manufacture & their Network of High Frequency Powerful Broadcast or Transmission, to glee over remote, quick and easy connectivity to all across the globe, at the cost of polluting & causing Hazardous Radiation Effects on the physical & mental health of all species on the Earth.
In virtual communication, Desktop Communication is “obsolete” with advent of the 3rd millennium. Its now Mobile Connectivity as also “SOCIAL NETWORKING” all in the so called name of “QUICK AND CONNECTIVITY FROM REMOTE, WHEN ON THE MOVE”. Other exploitations are old, outdated and not the trend. Its SOCIETY EXPLOITATION OR SOCIAL OR SOFT POLLUTION NOW. LIFE IS NOW VIRTUAL. PEOPLE ARE HAPPILY, PEACEFULLY CONTENDED WITH THEIR FACEBOOK / IBBIBO/TWITTER / LINKEDIN AND ARE TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS OF THE REAL WORLD OUTSIDE. Out door games are long forgotten.
People are not interested in Personal Meetings. Reasoning is, “Whatever for?” or “We are anyway meeting on Face Book, daily”. Games are available on the Television or at the desktop, laptop or palm top now.
“Time” and its Management, value also is lost, ironically, despite all the fastest & latest commuting / communicating facilities, awareness & need, all the regular tutoring, training & updating across everyone on the subject, through “Top Class” World Experts.
On the contrary to false show or claims of comfort, in living, lifestyle, career success & relationships, PEOPLE ARE MORE STRESSED AFTER, AS THEY ARE MEETING EASY SUCCESS IN VIRTUAL WORLD WITH ADDICTION THAT IS detrimental to the psychological / mental & physiological health. Whereas, outside or in the so called Real World, every where it is only FEAR, PANIC, HATRED, JEALOUSY, RESENTMENT, DIS-SATISFACTION, False Prestige, SELFISHNESS, Obsequiousness, Thieving, , Ego Clashes, all in clear contrast to the artificial exchange of Virtual World Pleasantries and their trance.
Each one is a competition for every other. NEGATIVE EGO AND EGOTISM ARE IN FULL AND TOTAL CONTROL OVER EVERYONE, WITHOUT A SINGLE EXCEPTION, ACROSS THE GLOBE. Resistances to the same are challenged by all of us with full manifestation of the Ego. Still more ridiculous now with a lots of scams that are of avarice, “mutual” evil motives .
Humanity & Human Relationships and their value bonds are totally missing. Now no more Parental, Marriage, Family, Teacher & the Taught, Mentor, Employer, Employee, Customer, Supplier Values and bonds . There are no HOMES now. Only Valid Relationship is that of Money. Snatch each other and amass wealth, money & then power to protect it, the easiest and quickest way, attaching no values to human ethics, honesty, hard work etc.
This is all quite contradicting to General Potential Human Ability to think well, analyse, understand, interact or conduct with Everyone including the Animals etc and any situation according to their Nature, in self-defence, mutual co-existence & sustainable development.
Humanity, one to one Human Relationship, Universal Love, Regard, Respect, Value for each other, Human Feelings, Emotions, Strengths & Weakness, Sense of Responsibility towards Oneself, Family, close Kit & Kin, Community, Society, Civics & Environment, the Attitude of Kindness, the helping tendency, the Resource ability , being Assertive and Meeting Commitments are all the Attributes now forgotten by us.
THIS IS A TOTAL DIS-REGARD, DIS-RESPECT, SUFFERING THAT WE ARE MEETING OUT TO all the flora & fauna, the Environment, to Ourselves & our Future as well. Unless we get enlightened of the gravity of the situation, mend our ways, we are heading straight and very near to a Catastrophe or Cataclysm.
Its well researched and acknowledged thought / theory that Human Body is designed to consume vegetable or food of plant origin. Animal or Flesh eating causes Cannibal tendencies that are now prevalent, by and large in the Human Society. The Narrative appearing above gives a vivid description of the said State of the Society & its drastic effects also on the Environment.
Let us all try and be a Vegetarian, spend some time alone daily, meditate and flash back on our days events, thoughts, attitude, actions, reactions and on any improvements on them for the next.
I re-collect a Dialogue in a Telugu Movie, which goes --- “ Help 3 people in genuine need and ask each of them to help again 3 people in genuine need, so on and so forth, spread the message”. May be it can be nature, Environment, Society, Authorities, not necessarily people.
Further, a Society is born at Individual homes, “charity begins at home”, is a famous saying. We need to re-build Homes around us. Values for Parents, Marriage, Children, Grand Parents, Siblings, Neighbourhood, Relatives, Community, Friends, Organizations, Mentors, Patriotism, etc need be developed in the minds of people, giving meaning to every relationship, its association and inculcate the inherent Eternal Values & TRUTHS.
Let us all join together to pray The Almighty to give us the Wisdom, Strength, Courage & Vigour i.e. the Right Frame of Mind to make correct choice & decision to act upon and thus save the Earth / the Environment for the Future.
The Almighty would be immensely proud of the Human Fraternity, rather than regret on the decision to grant the havoc creating EXCLUSIVE ability to us, Human Beings.