Monday, January 24, 2011

Assurance of Almighty's Grace

Hari! Om!

We all do puja, by chanting mantras, slokas, offering fresh flowers, lighting incense sticks, camphor etc to appease The Almighty, contended under the impression  that we are very liberal in our rituals, focus and thus have His blessings for fulfilment of our deluded needs in the Material World.

If one looks at it from another angle, without an Ego and all humility, we get these questions. Who are we after all and what is it that we can truly offer to The Supreme ( Please don't get carried away by the term, we need to look beyond all these) as our own.

The water, or the milk, the food or the fruits etc whatsoever for the Abhisekham, Puja or Havan everything is from the nature, the creation or un-creation  of The Almighty including all life forms. The nature offerings are symbolic of the REMINDER to us of what we actually can offer.

So what is it that we can offer to the phenomenon or concept or philosophy as God?What as "Human Beings", the highest level of life form, we can offer is true love, devotion, admiration, respects that are something, "out of the world" and thus live up to the true levels of Human Status.

We may offer so many or rather infinite number of the material things as offerings to HIM without an iota of any of the aforesaid true offerings. But Devotion or Bhakthi  emanates out of no expectation of any "return gift"  and not out of any expression of worldly wealth,pride,power, position, prejudice,envy or jealousy.

Our Atman is like a Charioteer. Our Bhudhdhi or Intellect is like a Director or Doer. Our Life is like the Chariot. Our Mind is like the Horses driving the Chariot. We need to use our Intellect  and carry our Atman smoothly on the Chariot to reach our Master, The Almighty by driving the Horses using its Reins or Leashes in total control of the Intellect ( The Bhudhdhi). The Reins are the desires out of which emanates our pride, arrogance, delusion. If the Reins are not in control the Horses or the Mind  can go berserk and ruin the Chariot or Life.

The humble worship of the Almighty, taking our lives along smoothly only can assure us of HIS grace.

Jai! Hind!


  1. work is worship. whatever work we do, including pooja, should be done whole heartedly with all the love towards almighty. The rites of the pooja should be performed with all devotion. This will surely reform us and helps us to get rid of demonly qualities like pride, jealousy etc.
    We should get into misconceptionthat love alone is enough and the rites are not that important.i feel that we should try in every means to know about the rites and rituals that are to be observed. God will surely help us to lead towards the knowledge and get delivered from ignorance.

  2. Hari! Om! Glad to get some active response. The down-to-earth precise expression is wonderful attempt to attract common eye & make common man understand better.

    I understand the word "NOT" has erroneously missed in the beginning of 2nd para.

    Of course being in the material world it definitely is our profound need to do the duties, which includes the so said rituals also to raise ourselves up to higher plane and attain Godhood. ONLY THAT WITHOUT THE DEVOTION THE ACTIONS ARE FRUITLESS, IS THE CAUTION OR WARNING.

    So please attach devotion to our action or duties. AND...............

    ...............Its not to be misconstrued that the rituals, duties or actions are not necessary. The message in the original post definitely conveys this. I hope there is no mis communication now. I appreciate the open commentary.
