Hari! Om!
I don't know after over 5 months, if the Silver Jubilee Celebration Event of the PDA-Chennai or the Souvenir, brought out to commemorate the occasion, is still alive in the minds of PDs or died down deep into the Individual Life routines. Being out of Country I missed the event which kept lingering in my mind all along with eagerness to at least possess a copy of the Souvenir and meet / interact with some PDs.
Having had a month "RELEASE" from my professional responsibility, I managed a couple of meetings with co-PDs' apart from spending good time with Family Members, Relatives,
finishing some urgent responsibilities, meeting certain personal / professional committments and rushing back, again out of the Mother Land. During the course, I got the possession of my Souvenir, thanks to the PDA- Chennai, Secretary, also for his hospitality and interesting exchange.
I am thankful again,to all PDs', the PDA-Chennai & the PD Community for giving me an opportunity to pen down my thoughts & views on PD Community Cohesiveness, through my responses to a Questionnaire & a brief anecdote on a past PD Personality.
I hope PDs' had the time & patience to read through them and are coming out with views, comments,
suggestions,advices, criticisms. Welcome!
I definitely, had the patience, like many of us and took time out to read through the Souvenir, to know about the PD Personalities, their views etc, as a mark of respect / regard to the Personalities and as a Gratitude to all of them who authored the various articles.
The life or career histories were lovely eye openers, inspirers and an awareness creators for all.
I personally, got introduced to many PD Community Personalities & Stalwarts only now through
this Souvenir. That's the level of my awareness which is due to my own individual cirumstances
or It's the Humility of the Personalities. Humility or No Lime Light is always the preference of any true Personality or Stalwart and among them all our PDs are at the top, in my opinion. Hats' Off'!!
I am just awestruck to know of those PDs and have no words to express in regard or praise of the
Personalities. Whatever best we try, wouldn't in anyway, justify to express the feelings & match the Characterestic, Quality, Intelligence, Calibre, Wisdom, the Community Spirit etc that the PD Personalities expressed in reality during their times.
The Authors of the anecdotes, were no less and have done full justice in drafting, keeping-up to the status of all the PD Personalities, that they were. The depths, most of the Authors delved in the anecdotes, were awe inspiring with an aspect in common to all and the Personalities themselves, which was nothing but the Humility & no aspiriation for Lime Light. I am sure most of the Authors personally experienced being with such Personalities and are blessed to be nurtured in similar environment. My best wishes to them all.
Reading through all the Life Histories, genuinely gave me an "out of the world experience" and I was also horripilating.
The awareness that the Souvenir has created among all PDs, of the Personalities & the PD Community spirit, should be taken forward, considering this effort as a "Runway" for a smooth & safe landing for the PD Community & our future.
I am sure PDAs' are putting all efforts towards PD Community Oneness. Only that what PDs' SHOULD UNDERSTAND FROM THE WORD "ASSOCIATION", IS THE INDIVIDUAL PDs' CO-OPERATION, which I hope every PD would appreciate is the "need of the hour", else the
PDA or the PD Community Oneness is not effective. We are the ones to make it effective or
The PDAs' are often blamed and found fault with. Here we should not forget the famous saying.
"When I point a finger at others, I should remember, 3 fingers are pointing towards myself", on realizing this, automatically things start changing and improving. I SINCERELY PRAY FOR
Let's hope for the best and get together. Thanks again to one and all,
Jai! Hind!
Atheism is an absolutely sinful ideology because, (1) it is against atmajnana (2) it is against brahmajnana (3) it is against the karmas performed according to dharma (4) it denies the existence of punyas and paapams, swargam and narakam. All acts of atheists are directed towards materialistic activities and an illusion that they have only one life and only one body to enjoy that life. When an atheist is fully convinced in himself that there is nothing called sin, one can imagine what havoc he can wreak in the society, all heinous sins are simple matters to him! They talk against Dharma and try to spoil it. For such people, hatred, alcohol, prostitution, murder, looting, slavery, violence, torture, insult, propaganda, lies, injustice, treachery, corruption, jealousy, etc. are not sinful and wisdom, love, truth, forgiveness, humility, sacrifice, equality, honesty, affection, character, moral, etc. are not punyas. How can such persons be tolerated in the human society?