Monday, June 4, 2012

Theism Vs. Dharma - View Points

Hari! Om!


    Atheism is an absolutely sinful ideology because, (1) it is against atmajnana (2) it is against brahmajnana (3) it is against the karmas performed according to dharma (4) it denies the existence of punyas and paapams, swargam and narakam. All acts of atheists are directed towards materialistic activities and an illusion that they have only one life and only one body to enjoy that life. When an atheist is fully convinced in himself that there is nothing called sin, one can imagine what havoc he can wreak in the society, all heinous sins are simple matters to him! They talk against Dharma and try to spoil it. For such people, hatred, alcohol, prostitution, murder, looting, slavery, violence, torture, insult, propaganda, lies, injustice, treachery, corruption, jealousy, etc. are not sinful and wisdom, love, truth, forgiveness, humility, sacrifice, equality, honesty, affection, character, moral, etc. are not punyas. How can such persons be tolerated in the human society?

  • In other words, they have redefined the word 'atheism' as "not believing in their religion,” and ‘theism’ as following their religion! From the above we can infer that the word ‘religion’ itself is against Dharma, therefore anything other than Dharma can be described as adharma or ‘atheism.’ Therefore in the present context, atheism means “against Dharma” or adharma .
    Now, what is a ‘sin?’ Sin of Paapam is something which (1)gives a ‘pretha-shareeram’ (turns him into ghost) after his death or (2) takes a man to narakam after his death or (3)which gives him suffering in his next birth or (4)erodes his punyas or effects of good deeds of past or present births. Well, is ‘atheism’ a sinful ideology? Any karma or act done by 5 Jnaanendriyaas, 5 Karmendriyaas, the Manas, the Buddhi and the Chittam which falls within the perview of the above definition of sin gives the effect of sin, in other words, ‘sinful.’ If a religious / social / political / legal ideology comes under the definition of sin, it simply becomes sinful.
    Tolerance shown towards atheists renders the tolerating people sinners too! Therefore, atheism is sinful ideology, even if they call themselves as rationalists and whatsoever. If someone says I am unaware of Dharma, so I turned to atheism, he cannot escape the punishment in narakam for the sins he committed when he was an atheist just as keeping the finger in the fire unknowingly also burns the finger. But, once realized, he can follow Dharma and try to do punyas and ‘praayaschitta karma’ to erase the sin.

    At the end of it, why and how are the atheists created by Bhagawan? What is their purpose? Why should such ignorant men be created? And the most important thing, why are they so powerful in Kaliyuga? The answer is, most of the atheists are born because of ‘apachaaram’ (unholy act) committed to the Bhagawan in their previous birth when they were followed Dharma! They are leading the most tormenting life always thinking whether Bhagwan is there and again and again failing to realize that He is there. For example, there was famed writer called Gudipati Venkataachalam in Andhra Pradesh who was atheistic and was admired by all atheists of his time. He criticized Hindu society by calling it as “Brahmaneeya Purushaadhikya Samaajam” (Brahmin male-chouvanist dominated society) and urged women and people to revolt against Dharma. Throughout his life he worked hard to destroy Dharma by brainwashing people in favour of breaking Dharmic principles. But at the end he met H.H.Ramana Maharshi, who made him realize his soul, and thereafter condemned all his writings against Dharma and called himself a great sinner. Therefore people who commit ‘apachaaram’ towards Bhagawan are born as atheists. They must be fully controlled and treated with yoga, meditation and Puraanic, Itihaasic stories and Upanishad knowledge to bring them back to Dharma.

     Glory to those great sages who created Vedic life in Aaryaavarta and gave us measures to erase atheism by the knowledge of Vedas, Puraanaas, Itihaasas, Upanishads, Smritis, Yoga, Jyothisha, Karma Siddhantha, Samkhya Siddhaantha, and other Shasthraas to prove Dharma and the Bhagawan to every seeker of true knowledge and wisdom.


  • Hari! Om! The point or points of discussion, our thoughts & talks on them are from a very relative sense. This is much in contradiction to the CONCEPT or PHILOSOPHY or the MESSAGE to be caught in from there and that is from a totally ABSOLUTE level. From time to time we have views, guidelines of various thinkers, philosophers from different angles. To the viewer or audience it apparently is all different and changing. If one observes very keenly it can be understood from any where or anybody there is one NON-CHANGING factor which is the Eternal Truth, our inner self and the ABSOLUTE. This is what everywhere, everytime, Great Spiritual Masters were & are trying to drive home the point into our INTELLECT , through Gross examples, episodes, PAIRS OF OPPOSITES of the world, such that we can use our Intellect to probe in ourselves, question everything and understand the SUBTLETY, digest and raise ourselves up to reach the GODHOOD. On the contrary, we are and still getting carried away and deeply attached to the QUOTES, the PRACTICES, RITUALS ETC and deluded more and more into the material world without getting guided by them and earning an objective edge. To give some examples of pairs of opposites : GOOD-BAD, PAAP-PUNIYA, BORN-DEAD, DAY-NIGHT, DHARMA-ADHARMA, AMAAVASYA-POURNAMI, IN-OUT, OPEN-CLOSED, GUNA-NIRGUNA, RELIGION OR NO RELIGION. These are all only relative and only Human Beings are "POTENTIALLY" capable of using them, think, question, analyse, retro / intero spect all ourselves with these. That is why these are appearing for us. As such none of these have any meaning or substance from ABSOLUTE point of view. So let us not hang on to these, per say but delve deeper, with an act of objectivity, try & see for some enlightenment .
  • Further, Alas! We are  very RELATIVE. As opined by many and many over ages, the Human Birth is in itself a sinful one, for that matter, ir-respective of theism or atheism. An Iota of an Emotion is a SIN. However, BY BIRTH, ONLY A HUMAN BEING HAS THE POTENTIAL TO THINK, CONTEMPLATE & RAISE OURSELVES UP TO GODHOOD THROUGH ENLIGHTENMENT AND THAT'S THE REASON WE HAVE ALSO THE POWER OF THE "CHOICE OF ACTION" UNLIKE OTHER BEINGS ( PLANTS OR ANIMALS). Yet we get into the "Dilemma of Choices" apparently due to the attachments in the material world, which goes back to the REASON for the BIRTH, like a Viscious Circle. Once born as Human Being our only way of transacting with the GOD ( Who is in us all) is through the experiences in the Material World, following the rules/ law of the Land. For example, when in India we follow the Rules of India, when in USA follow the rules of USA etc, etc. Every birth comes with his or her own bundle of vasanas & their intensities, put his or her effort to raise up to GODHOOD with the help of his previous back log(Prarabhdhaa). The great sages or gurus referred had a good balance of efforts of previous, as Prarabdhaa and could get enlighted and in the process share their knowledge with us.Hence we are fortunate to know or here of all these Great TEXTS, MASTER PIECES, which talk of the Eternal Truths, though the Texts or Rituals themselves are superfluous without the support of the Truths or Deep Messages conveyed through them. THAT IS ALL. GLORY TO ALL LIFE FORMS, AS ALL EMANTE FROM THE VERY GOOD PRINCIPLE AND HAVE ALSO TO GO AND JOIN BACK. ITS ONLY THAT ITS TIME RELATIVE. As such, "DHARMA", "ADHARMA", "SIN", "APACHAARAM" ETC terms that we use ARE very relative and we all need to go beyond all these. The concepts, philosophies, messages are so Ancient (paradoxically,much much ahead of our present thoughts & states of Mind in present time) that its by & large beyond the capacity of modern human to interpret correctly and apply in his life to attain godhood with his limited mental faculty & material attachments. Yet, he is only capable. That is how, we have had so many of enlightened souls, as famous Gurus, Sages etc. Unfortunately, we all wrongly interpret the scriptural texts, rituals etc & their philosophies / messages, more to suit individual material conveniences. That's the reason we have all these PAIRS of OPPOSITES, in all the Texts referred and all the Worldly Experiences. Only to think, analyse, question, rationalize and come out with the LOGIC, the TRUTH, which is ETERNAL. Only Human Beings have these attributes. A logical deduction of this fact is the Gross Creators / Designers / Compilers of all the Knowledge Texts, Scriputres, Modern Discoveries, Development of so called Modern Science all are of Human.
  • THE VERY BASIC WRONG CONCEPT IS DUE TO INDIVIDUAL DIFFIDENCE, OVER A PERIOD OF TIME, FROM THE VERY PAST HISTORY TO THE PRESENT, WE HAVE BEEN TAKING REFUGE IN SO CALLED "CONCEPT OF RELIGION". RELIGION IS RESTRICTIVE OR NOT RESTRICTIVE DEPNDING ON INDIVIDUAL CONVENIENCE. Rather our concept should be as a "WAY OF LIVING" WHICH IS SANATHANA DHARMA". This in SYNCHRONIZED manner, if dealt with by the HUMAN Species, will enlighten us all. However, the GROUND REALITY should be understood, to know where to start with and to be aware of the various courses in the process. We have crossed many cycles of Yugas, never to end, in this pursit.
  • Jai! Hind!
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